SWTOR: ‘Out Now’ in Australia

.. well at EB Games at least. As we reported around a month ago, copies of SWTOR have been able to be purchased in Australia from a range of retailers. Initially it was all a bit ‘unofficial’, with initially you needing to ask if there were any copies out the back.

That’s well and truly out the door, as I discovered on walking into an EB  Games store today. There was the game and its little buddy the game time card, sitting there in the ‘Out Now’ section:

So all we need is the excuse for a party called the Launch, some Oceanic servers and I think we’re good to go. What do you think?


  1. PurpleCliff says

    Hope the local servers come real soon. Should be good.

  2. I’m not holding my breath for any true oceanic servers – WoW has never had any (their oceanic servers are located on the us west coast).

    •  Wow only never placed oceanic servers because when the game first launched they tried to launch some, when the oceanic server grouping was made, they asked telstra and telstra asked for an arm and a leg, so they were like…

      “B*tch please!”

      And just expanded their westcoast servers, and its a horrible experience replacing a server after its already up.

      Just isnt worth it to blizzard now thier running for so long.

      • Bullshit.
        Show me 1 document even remotely supporting this Telstra blockade.

        It was Blizzards choice not to. Plain and simple

        • A Random Person says


  3. Real Oceanic servers would result in quite a few people hopping on board I would say.

  4. I’m pretty sure that BW could utilise some of the underused EA Mythic Warhammer servers located Oz-side. 😉

    Either way I’m hoping for 2 PvE, 2 PvP, 1 RP-PvE and 1 RP-PvP servers. (I’ll be rolling RP-PvP exclusively)

    I’m just not sure how I feel about server transfers. In some ways it would be good. But for any new players who are waiting for Oceanic servers before they start playing it means a big gap between them and the rest of their server, as opposed to everyone levelling at the  same time.

  5. finally it is spreading around as the customer base is exceding 1.7 million.o,but the time for the offcial release is still not out .right? swtor credits at swtorcreditus.com  100k swtor credits=$2.59 .sincerely wish that it will not dissapoint the players as star wars the old republic.