Archives for February 2012

SWTOR Patch 1.1.3 hits the public test server

Patch 1.1.3 hit the public test servers overnight, so read on to find out if you’re impacted by any changes. I like a couple of the companion fixes myself, good stuff!
Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ – 1.1.3 Patch Notes

Note: Because development is ongoing during testing, it should be noted that all changes and updates listed in the patch notes should be considered incomplete and are subject to change or removal before release to the live servers.The Public Test Server patch notes will be provided in English. The final release notes will be provided in English, French, and German when the content is moved to live servers.

Classes and Combat

  • Surge rating has been re-balanced. It now reaches diminishing returns the same way as other damage ratings, and its per point damage contribution has been reduced by approximately 10%.

Bounty Hunter



  • Stabilizers: Correctly adds pushback resistance to Unload.




  • Steadied Aim: Correctly adds pushback resistance to Full Auto.

Companion Characters

  • Some taxis that failed to re-summon companions upon reaching their destination now properly re-summon them.
  • Companions no longer indicate they wish to speak with you when you are not yet eligible for their next conversation.
  • If a player is invited to a nearly full group and declines, that player is no longer prevented from summoning a companion.

Crew Skills
Crafting Skills

  • Non-stackable crafting materials are now refunded if the crafting assignment is canceled.
  • The number of non-stackable crafting materials a player has is now correctly reflected in the crafting UI.


  • Exotech schematics will now function properly. – Updated 2/10
  • Crafting Exotech consumables now results in three items with a chance of one additional item on a crafting critical.

Flashpoints and Operations

  • Conversation rewards like Social and Alignment Points and Companion Affection are gained more consistently during Hard Mode Flashpoints.


Boarding Party

  • In Hard Mode, players are no longer blocked from re-entering the Flashpoint in some circumstances when the group is defeated during the encounter with Jorland.

Kaon Under Siege

  • Expulsor Droid now drops the correct loot.


Karagga’s Palace

  • The chest in 8-man Nightmare Mode now spawns properly after defeating Karagga.


  • Unique items can no longer be traded to a player that has the maximum number of that item in their inventory.
  • A confirmation dialog is now displayed when purchasing items with commendations or tokens and when purchasing expensive items.


  • A confirmation dialog is now displayed when choosing a Legacy name. The UI has been updated to better communicate Legacy name decisions.

Missions and NPCs

  • Small amounts of Social Points are no longer lost in some circumstances (rarely at the beginning of a Flashpoint or in some mission conversations).
  • Bonus Series missions on Tatooine (Republic and Imperial) can now be abandoned.



  • Eve of Destruction: This mission progresses properly even if the player does not immediately travel to Corellia.


  • Need to Impress: Resolved a dialogue issue with Ambassador Jannik that blocked progress in this mission.
  • Rapid Response: This mission can now be failed if the player leaves the mission phase while attempting to destroy the Bomb-Carrying Droids.
  • Taris Bonus Series: The cinematic for the objective “Return to Storm” now completes properly even if the player has not finished Reconstruction Efforts.


  • Fixed an issue causing players to not receive Warzone Win mission credit upon winning a Warzone match when the first player to enter the zone leaves the zone before the match concludes.

World PvP


  • Players are now notified when they kill a player but do not receive credit due to rate limits.

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

  • Players are no longer occasionally disconnected from the game when interacting with a mailbox.
  • Players no longer lose mouse click functionality in some circumstances after pressing multiple mouse buttons.


Over to you: anything if note for you in this list?

Guild Starships: where’s Spaceball 1?

Not what I want, but it would do...



It wouldn’t be Star Wars without starships. In every single movie, from the original A New Hope in 1977 until Revenge of the Sith in 2005, the movie opens with spacecraft. The battle between the Imperial Star Destroyer Devastator and the Tantive IV in Star Wars: A New Hope was one of the most iconic scenes ever done for a movie.  The opening scene from Spaceballs was also iconic, if for VERY different reasons. Indeed, I doubt there was much that Spaceball 1 ever gave way for. But we are not here to steal air – we are here to play The Old Republic.

Many things have been written about the starships in The Old Republic. From the BT-7 to the Defender and the XS on the Republic side to the Mantis, the Fury and the Phantom on the Empire side, all are epic Star Wars goodness. Many people dislike the ‘on rails’ type of space combat, but as an adjunct to the ground game, it works fairly well most of the time. And come on, who DOESN’T enjoy blowing enemy fighters out of the sky, no matter their affiliation? But like all gamers, we want more.

One thing that many people have been asking for recently has been more guild related items. Guild banks are coming but many other games have guild halls. These structures serve as meeting places, decoration, and last but certainly not least, ways to flaunt how many people and resources guilds have. We are all human, right? We all want to flaunt what we have.

So, why NOT capital class starships as guild halls? We have all seen the Star Destroyer and Republic battleship designs from The Old Republic by now. Both designs would work as large scale trophy type things. Star Wars Galaxies had customizable guild halls. Many other MMOs did as well – City of Heroes comes to mind for extreme guild hall customisation. But how could we make it work? Starships are not small. Starships that would serve as a means of flaunting the guild would be even larger than the personal transports that are in game now.

What would we want? Do we want starships the same as the Empire and Republic have now? The frigates such as the Black Talon or Esseles and the cruisers such as the Overlord or Gav Daragon? Do we want something different? Would it be enough to have them or would we have to be able to make them stand out? If someone wants a rainbow colored Star Destroyer –gag me, but someone asked for it. I HOPE he was joking, but can they get it?

One idea for such things, IF Bioware does manage to get them up, would be to set player fleets across the galaxy. That way, Republic and Empire ships can be in similar places, visible to show off the guild’s ill or righteously gotten gains. Would we be able to build them, or would we have to buy them? I think a mix of the two. Buy the hull and build components. Armstech can build weapons for them, Armormech can build starship hull plating, Cybertech can build other pieces. I can think of all sorts of things you can build for large scale starships in a game. Heavy turbolasers, multiple launch missile systems with tracking, ECM pods, point defense weapons… The list goes on and on. Engines, hull, support systems, internal defenses… Wait a sec…

One cool thing that I personally never got a chance to try in City of Heroes was raiding opposing player headquarters. So, what if some rival guild comes along, finds your starship in whatever it is hidden –if it is not instanced that is- and tries to board it? Do you have epic scale PvP boarding actions? Or would that be too complex for this game as it is?

On that note, what would you want for a guild starship? Obviously something larger than the Millenium Falcon. What about something the size of the Tantive IV? I know everyone is going to say a Star Destroyer, but do you have ANY idea the fuel costs for something that size? Let alone the insurance costs…

Oh I can just see it.

Insurance agent: You want to insure WHAT? Against starfighter attack? Oooookaaaay….

In conclusion, I would love to have guild capital ships in the game at some point, but I have no idea how they would manage it. And I DO want Spaceball 1 as my own personal ride.

[Image from]


A red zoner pulls the plug: thoughtfully

An interesting perspective from a disappointed Australian SWTOR player made it’s way on the official forums today. Unlike some people who’ve decided to cancel their subscription, Canisrah has actually gone beyond griping, to detail in a thoughtful way why he’s not found SWTOR to be the game he thought it would be:

Well, I just cancelled my sub.

Thought I’d offer a few comments as I’ve been following this game for years and felt it deserved some sort of farewell. I was one of the Red Zoners who raged when BW left us out of initial pre-orders, and I was one of those who breathed a sigh of relief when the decision was made not to IP block us so we could play at launch.

My experience playing the game – technically, has been great. No noticeable lag, very few bugs, highly polished game. No real complaints.

In fact, I’m really disappointed that I don’t like the game more than I do. Maybe it’s my problem – maybe my tastes are changing or maybe the sort of game that used to appeal to me simply doesn’t anymore.

I was the rabid SWTOR fan in my group – I was the guy who made all the other guys pre-order and play. My Malgus statue is glaring at me on the shelf and my collectors edition box is proudly displayed.

So why am I cancelling?

Well… I played and enjoyed my BH up to level 41. When I hit Belsavis I suddenly realized I was bored stiff. The story had lost its luster, and I was doing seemingly pointless grinding and losing the will to live. Skyrim started calling to me, and the promise of upcoming titles like Diablo III, Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai, and Mass Effect 3 compelled me to acknowledge that when they arrived, there’s no way I would spend my limited game time grinding away in this mmo.

In a desperate attempt to maintain my SWTOR enthusiasm, I started a slew of new characters, leveling them in bits and pieces in an effort to re-engage with a new story. But in each case staring at a long road of grinding interspersed with only fleeting moments of true story engagement was enough to scuttle that expedition before it even left port.

I even considered just letting my sub run for a few months – but then the reality of bleeding money for no apparent purpose (a misguided sense of loyalty or a last ditch attempt to justify all the hours of anticipation waiting for this game notwithstanding).

The age of the mmo is over, at least for me. The old game-play model this game adheres too is no longer interesting and I regretfully say that if SWTOR couldn’t do it for me, no mmo that holds to the old design paradigm will. I may give GW2 a fleeting peek, but only because it’s a no sub thing so I won’t have to invest so much.

I suspect SWTOR will be the last of the big budget mmos. And as much as it pains me to say it… I think it will struggle to maintain a large play-base.

But that’s just my view – and if you are playing and loving it and are in it for the long haul more power to you. Wish I could have been the same.

Peace out.

Obviously there’s no right or wrong in regards to a decision to quit. Personally I’ve really enjoyed the game and haven’t become bored at all. I also tend to judge an MMO once it’s been bedded down for at least 6 months. More unique to SWTOR, I’m also waiting for the damn game to launch worldwide to see what impact the larger community will have on the game, good or bad.

All that said, some people will also come to a quicker decision a game’s not for them, and fair enough too. Some will try to claim this is the start of a wave. It’s not: it’s a normal part of the evolution of an MMO post-launch. One respondent to the post on the forums (lunabaguna) put it perfectly in my opinion:

Perhaps this is a case of book vs movie for you. When you read a book, you get to make up a character in your head, if the character doesnt look how you want, you can ignore the description and make up something in your head. You get to create a backstory in your head, make the person who you want. With the voiceovers, its like a movie, the character has a certain personality that you cant control. Perhaps you just cant get into it because you cant form the character the way you see them.

So again: no matter how good an MMO is, its mechanics will be somewhat derivative and it will disappoint some people. You’ll only see me stating a real concern for SWTOR if hundred or thousands of posts as well written as Canisrah’s start appearing on the forums. My money is on that not happening.

Patching 1.1.2: more server downtime tonight

The post 1.1.2 issues with Open World PvP in Ilum has lead to an unexpected extra patch tonight. Full post from BioWare below, but first the time conversions:

AEDT: 7pm – 11pm tonight, Thursday 9th February
AWST: 4pm – 8pm tonight
NZDT: 9pm – 1am tonight

Unfortunately for the AEDT time zone in particular, it knocks out the majority of the evening’s play. While away those hours by having a look through our recent posts, including a beauty from Simon on companions that includes an amazing spreadsheet with every companion’s stats.

We will be bringing down servers for four hours on February 9th, 2012 from 2AM CST (12AM PST/3AM EST/8AM GMT/9AM CET) until 6AM CST (4AM PST/7AM EST/12PM GMT/1PM CET) in order to deploy a patch.

This patch will resolve the following:
Killing players on Ilum will now consistently grant Valor and mission credit as intended.

All servers will be offline during this period. This deployment is expected to take no more than four hours.

Upcoming Patch

Date: Thursday, February 9th, 2012


All game servers will be offline during this period. This deployment is expected to take no more than four hours.

Thank you for your patience as we maintain service for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.

Suggestion Box: is patch 1.1.2 an improvement?

The weekend’s well and truly on the way, so time to drag out the soapbox for another session.

This week it’s your turn to give bouquets or brickbats to SWTOR patch 1.1.2, which went live late Tuesday night. Are you finding it’s made your gameplay experience better? Aside from the Ilum issues remaining, is there anything that’s still a major gripe for you that the patch didn’t fix?

Post away in comments and get it off your chest!

You, Robot – Part 2: Your companion as a lethal fashion accessory

Welcome to Part 2 of a three-part series on companions. You can view Part 1 here and you can download the most amazing Companion Stats Uber-Mega-Omnibus right here!

Combat is like fashion: you don’t want to be wearing the wrong thing for the occasion. Just as a bow tie and a thong might be appropriate attire at certain events, it may also be like using a Glock 26 for sniping. In other words, a poor choice that attracts the wrong kind of company.

From the time your first companion joins you, the advantages become obvious. Instantly you have someone to cover you, draw fire or in many other ways be the ying to your character’s yang. For most classes this means you get a DPS or Tank with melee or ranged abilities, whichever is complimentary to your own skillset. Only the Bounty Hunter gets a dedicated healer.

So are companions much more than a bipedal pet class? Simply put, yes they are. Functionally the mechanic is familiar, with a dedicated toolbar offering attacks and stances. The big difference is the versatility of control. Using various combinations of the AI toggles you can set certain abilities to operate automatically or manually. Don’t want your companion to use AoE when tackling an enemy? Turn it off. Do you want to choose when your companion uses their most devastating attacks? Go for it! Your companion’s toolbar can be expanded for full control or minimised if you’re letting them run on automatic, either way you get a lot of flexibility with this system.

Aside from them letting you take on many Heroic 2+ areas (in case you can’t find or don’t feel like dealing with another player), they’re also handy if a player bails out of your group halfway through. If this happens the group leader can select which companion of the remaining group members can jump in and fill the gap. While a last minute sub like this is not ideal and can’t realistically replace a capable human player, it can make the difference in completing the raid or gazing at the screen in abject defeat and wondering why you have no chicken.

Speaking of chicken, (no, not really, I just can’t think of a seque), there’s the ability to customise your companion’s skin colour and dress. While the initial selection of customisations is restricted, more customisations become available throughout the game. To be honest, I didn’t like this system as the customisations became available far too long after your companion initially joined you. It broke immersion and disrupted the emotional connection that Bioware work so hard to build. Happily this has changed with one of the recent patches. You now get to customise your companion as soon as they hitch their carriage to your train. Not only is this less jarring, it also means there are fewer identical companions running around the origin worlds.

So that’s the face and hair taken care of, what about the threads? As with your character, a little sartorial augmentation works wonders. Companions use the same core-stat system and need gear with the correct primary stat to do you the most good. They don’t have any relic slots, but that won’t matter until after level 15 – they also only have a single implant slot. The exceptions to this are the ship droids whose requirements are more… umm… mechanical, but they still use ear and implant slots, can ‘bear’ blaster pistols or rifles (main hand) and shields or generators (off-hand). Except that’s not entirely true. While they have slots for blaster weapons, they can not be equipped. There are hints that this may change but for the moment they are only useful as healers who will throw the occasional punch.  It’s also worth noting that companions can’t equip any item with light/dark side requirements, although they can use crystal mods.

Then there’s the troubling issue of ‘Affection’. No, actually that’s a lie. Affection isn’t that tricky at all, in fact you would have to work very hard to get them to hate you, except at certain pivotal points in their stories. In general any +affection you get is substantially greater than any negative awards. So it’s almost always a net gain. In any case it’s easy enough to buy their love although you need to know their tastes first (see the guide). The ship droids are (again) an exception. At present you can’t increase their affection, gifts or no gifts, so an absence of trinkets won’t reduce the menu planning or random cushion stuffing. Another little trick is to dismiss your companions (when practical) if you don’t think they’ll like your upcoming conversation choices. What they don’t hear, won’t hurt you.

You might be asking yourself why you should care what a companion thinks of you but there are practical advantages particularly in crafting, which is the exclusive province of your companions. Since it’s a fairly broad topic I’ll be covering that in the last article of this series, because, if you’re anything like me you just want to get on playing the game and won’t bother with this until later – which would be a mistake.

Just like that bow tie and thong.

Patch 1.1.2 is live

Tuesday’s maintenance is all done, so on logging in you’ll see that Patch 1.1.2 is live. We’ve already had a handful of reports that the patch has delivered benefits as far as general playability.

I can even vouch for that after a bit of post 1.1.2 playtime: I’m seeing a lot less lag / ability delay. How about you: are you seeing any issues you’d thought would have been resolved?

Server downtime Tuesday 7th Feb

It’s the bog standard weekly maintenance tomorrow night (Tuesday). Details below, but the time conversions are:

7pm – 11pm AEDT

4pm to 8pm AWST

9pm – 1am NZDT

While you’re twiddling your thumbs, be sure to check out our stories from the past week, suggest a question to be put to BioWare’s Stephen Reid this weekend,  suggest an Oceanic server name, or just have a laugh.

Scheduled Maintenance

Date: Tuesday, February 7th, 2012


All game servers will be offline during this period. This maintenance is expected to take no more than four hours.

Thank you for your patience as we maintain service for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.

SWTOR: ‘Out Now’ in Australia

.. well at EB Games at least. As we reported around a month ago, copies of SWTOR have been able to be purchased in Australia from a range of retailers. Initially it was all a bit ‘unofficial’, with initially you needing to ask if there were any copies out the back.

That’s well and truly out the door, as I discovered on walking into an EB  Games store today. There was the game and its little buddy the game time card, sitting there in the ‘Out Now’ section:

So all we need is the excuse for a party called the Launch, some Oceanic servers and I think we’re good to go. What do you think?

Heavy Damage: Tricks of the PvP Trade Part 2

Heavy Damage is our weekly Tanking column – if you have suggestions of what you’d like covered, drop our resident Tank, Alec Bailey a line. Part 1 of this PvP roundup covering Huttball can be found here.

This week I will be going over some strategies for the Voidstar Warzone. Voidstar  involves two teams, offensive and defensive, fighting to plant or defend from the planting of bombs on blast doors. There are three sets of doors, along with two consoles that shut down ray shielding, allowing access to the second and third door. As there are two different strategies for offense and defense, I will break each Tank’s role into each category.

On the Offensive!

General Strategies 

Strong siding – a great strategy if you’re a Tank or not. Have your whole team attack one door for the first minute or so – putting a lot of pressure on one side will weaken the other side, sometimes so much that no-one is even guarding it.  Strong side is a great strategy if you have some Stealthers to attack the weak side when it’s vulnerable.

Draw them out – Leading the defense away from the doors into the middle is a great way to slip some players past to arm the bombs, this can be done pretty easily by using your pulls and ranged attacks to bring them in to the range you want.

Call it out – let your team know when you’re planting so they can swarm and defend your plant.

Advanced  Class Strategies

Vanguard – I use my Vanguard on the offensive like a walking damage reducer. Explosive Surge and Ion Pulse are used as often as I can to lower every enemy target’s damage output. When assaulting the doors I usually use my Guard ability on a Sentinel or Scoundrel, because they’re going to be putting out a lot of damage but are very squishy and go down fast. Keeping your damage dealers alive helps a lot on the offensive. Mortar Volley is key when getting those pesky bomb planters interrupted, it is also very useful when a fellow tank has several enemies grouped around him. Harpoon is also a great PvP utility skill, use it to pull attackers off of healers or damage dealers – it is also great when rooted to bring those Sorcerers close enough to Rifle Stock and Gut.

Shadow – I use my Shadow as a stealth planter. I have my team assault one  door then I sneak off and plant a bomb. Shadows are also, in my opinion, the best for defending a bomb planter. When your teammate is planting a bomb, watch his back and if anyone starts getting close use Force Wave to send them flying. If it’s a ranged class, hit them with one of your stuns. Force Wave is also very useful on the bridge before the second set of doors – if any defenders are foolish enough to venture that far out, use it to blast them off the bridge for a quick kill or two. Force Speed is very useful after the second doors have been breached – I use it to get to the farthest console and shut down those ray shields.

Guardian – The Guardian does well at defending the bomb planters with his own set of skills. Saber Throw is great to get a quick hit on someone that’s trying to defuse a planted bomb. Force Sweep (when properly specced in the talent tree) is great for lowering your opponent’s accuracy, effectively lowering their damage output.  Force Push is a great ability to keep people off the bomb planter, and pushing them off the bridge before the second set of doors.

Guard it with your life!

General Strategies

Spread evenly – never leave one side unguarded, always have at least two people guarding a door, even if the other team is strong siding hard. Keep a tank and a healer on the other door. A Tank and a damage dealer works well too, but having a healer insures you’ll stay on your feet long enough to get reinforcements.

Stick close – don’t let the attacking team control where the fight takes place, stick close to the doors and pull them in with Harpoon, Force Pull, etc.

Call it out – Just like on Defense, let your team know what’s going on. Communication is a key to victory.

Advanced Class Strategies

Vanguard – When playing defense I use a very similar strategy as I do when playing offense. Ion Pulse is still used to lower opponent damage. Explosive surge is great for interrupting the bomb planters – if you don’t have time to get close up, use your Mortar Volley. Usually when assaulting I guard a healer and ask him to stick close. Having a healer to keep you standing in Voidstar can help you rack up some serious medals and defend from bomb plants. Harpoon is great on the defensive to pull enemies off a door they are trying to plant the bomb on. Don’t forget to throw those Cryo Grenades on enemies who are attacking your Guard target.

Shadow – When defending with my Shadow I use my Force Breach and Force Wave to interrupt any would be bomb planters. As with the Vanguard I recommend placing Guard on a Healer and asking them to stick close. Force Pull is great for getting enemies off the doors. Again, when assaulting the second doors keep watch for the opportunity to Force Wave opponents off that bridge. Don’t forget all the utilities this class has like its stuns and slows, they’re invaluable in slowing the enemies assault.

Guardian – The Guardian plays its defensive game a lot like the Vanguard does – very close to the offensive game with a few slight change ups in strategy. Saber Throw is now used as an interrupt for bomb planters. Force Sweep is another great ability to break a bomb planter off the door. Force Push is great for setting up Force Leap, or getting planters off the door. As with the other two classes, I suggest guarding a Healer. Force Leap is a great skill in PvP or PvE and I find myself using it a lot to close distance and throw a Taunt on enemy players. Challenging Call is another great ability for lowering the enemy team’s damage output.


Remember if you’re really wanting to get far in PvP, group up or guild up. Also when in the Warzones your Taunts are extremely useful to your teammates to lower damage output, so don’t be afraid to toss them out as soon as they’re off cool down.

As always, keep your team alive and stay frosty.

May the Force be with you!

SWTOR Quick Start Videos: first one released

BioWare have started to push out some tutorial videos to further flesh out their help / support offering. The first one is a brief look at logging in for the first time and creating your character. Being the cynical, world-weary SWTOR veteran I am, I initially thought this would be a pretty tedious video even for someone starting out with the game.

I’m here to say I actually learnt to things from the video – you can preview your character’s voice before choosing it, and you can lock individual facial elements before randomising others. I obviously rushed through the character creation screen!

Have a look for yourself:

[Read more…]

Suggestion Box: Oceanic server names

Another weekend, another issue to chew over. Actually, this week there’s two. The first one is a direct call for your input: in a week’s time we’ll be chatting with BioWare’s Stephen Reid and we want YOUR questions to ask him. So head over here and post your questions in the format described in the post!

For discussion right here, right now, is a little bit of speculation about Oceanic servers. In particular, what names would you like to see them have?

Feel free to suggest either a more ‘official’, lore-friendly option or go all out and suggest some humorous / catchy / funky ones. For what it’s worth I’m thinking DragonFinn for a name – as both Australia and New Zealand claim ownership over both Dragon and the Finns 😉

Fire away!