Heavy Damage: Tanking Mandalorian Raiders

Heavy Damage is our weekly Tanking column – if you have suggestions of what you’d like covered, drop our resident Tank, Alec Bailey a line.

Mandalorian Raiders is this week’s Flashpoint. It’s a level 25 Flashpoint for both the Republic and Empire. The Flashpoint takes place on the Allusis and it begins with you and your party breaching the ship’s hull in an attack pod. Once you are on the Allusis you’ll need to fight your way to the command deck.

There are several bosses and mini bosses located throughout this Flashpoint. I will go over each one and detailing what strategy you should be using as a Tank.

Braxx the Bloodhound

Braxx the Bloodhound is accompanied by two adds that are resistant to knock-back and crowd control abilities. Braxx will occasionally use an ability that is made visible by a large red reticule – if either of the hounds are inside this reticule their attack speed and damage are increased. It’s best to keep Braxx’s attention away from the party. When I ran this I tried to keep his back turned as the damage dealers burnt down the adds. The hounds have a random aggro, so they will bounce from player to player. It might be easier to just spread out as this will keep the hounds from getting his buff as often, and then just burn down Braxx then work on his hounds.

Boarding Party

The second boss fight consists of a Sith Warrior, a Sith Inquisitor, a Bounty Hunter, and an Imperial Agent. All four are immune to any form of crowd control. It’s best to take out the melee characters first then work your way to the  ranged. As each of the boarding party fall the other members will become stronger. One strategy I’ve seen used is to get all four members down to about 10% health then burn them all down in rapid succession. I would NOT recommend this strategy for a pick up group. Either way you tackle this encounter it will be one of the most difficult fights you’ve been in yet. As a Tank you’ll need to make sure you have your guard up on someone and just try to keep the melee focused on you.

Marvis Varad

Marvis Varad is the final boss – this encounter begins with you only having to deal with Marvis and as his health is depleted he will leap to turrets positioned around the room. Disengage Marvis and destroy the turrets each time this happens. Varad will also throw grenades at random party members – this is easily avoidable as it is indicated by a large reticule on the ground. The turrets are susceptible to crowd control abilities so keep that in mind.

There are also 100 Lightside or Darkside points available on this mission.

As always stay frosty and may the force be with you!




  1. Jedi Augustine says

    Hi David, regarding the second encounter: Boarding Party

    I’m running as a Jedi Guardian and tanked it many times. You can CC the mobs – Force Lift being a good choice.

    Use icons for kill order: Star/Lighting/Target/Hilt;

    *STAR* Sith Marauder (x2 sabre wielding): don’t Force Leap to target, but taunt them to you. Simply hold aggro while DPS takes them down. You will get knock backs and lose aggro on them. Make sure you Force Leap back onto them

    *LIGHTNING* Sith Inquisitor (Twi’lek): use your taunt once of cool down to make them stick to you as you also hold aggro on the Marauder.
    The other two are ranged DPS – they can have some CC thrown at them.  

    *TARGET** Personally, I prefer to take down the Bounty Hunter next, as they have nasty flame attack

    HILT* Imperial Agent can be quickly burnt down by your DPS. I use the green *hilt* icon and suggest players with CC/interrupts focus on that target just to reduce overall damage and make the healers life a little more easy.

    A few tips:

    >> Force Push is a good single target interrupt followed up by a Force Leap

    >>Give clear instructions to the group about kill order – if they focus fire on target after the other, it just makes the whole encounter easier

    >>Always take the Marauder down first. Always.