It’s been a while coming, but Eric Musco from BioWare has announced that the free transfer option for Oceanic players who want to get their characters off the three local servers, will be an option from June 4th.
Additionally, you’ll be able to transfer to any SWTOR server worldwide rather than solely North American servers:
Hey everyone,
I know you have been waiting a bit for an update and I wanted to pop in and do exactly that. Starting on Tuesday, June 4th, you will all be allowed a free one time transfer for each character you have on an APAC server. In the last update I gave I told all of you that we were expanding where your one-time transfer could go to include all NA-West servers. After seeing quite a few requests to expand it further, we are going to allow you a one-time transfer to any SWTOR server. To reiterate, starting on Tuesday, June 4th, you will be allowed a one-time transfer for each character you have on an APAC server to any other non-APAC server.
So there we have it: next week will see the beginning of the end of local servers as the populations further decline. There’s still some questions to be answered on how this will work for Guilds etc, so we’ll keep you posted as further information is given.
Over to you: will you be transferring immediately?
No point delaying. Once I know where the folks I know are going, I’m outta here. Last one to leave, please turn off the lights. Sad, but nothing we can do about it.
See as a relatively unsociable SWTOR player I may hang around until the lights are switched off 🙂
Any idea one what this does to legacies? If i transfer to a server where I already have a legacy, would hate to lose any of the perks/collections etc I have on either of the legacies once they ‘merge’.
A fun game that was released before it was finished and then mismanaged at every turn. I’ve been enjoying it up until recently, but knowing how this game handles high latency so poorly, I’ll take this snub from EA as my exit.