Gold: Dogs in Star Wars Costumes

Time for some mid-week Star Wars humour, this time thanks to Furious Fan Boys via one of our most dedicated readers, Gail.

Most people love dogs and most of us here love Star Wars, so does it get any better than these 20 shots of dogs in Star Wars attire? No, I thought not. For what it’s worth, number 14 is my favourite.

Now, if someone would only create a library of shots of Jar Jar Binks being mauled to death by rabid dogs, I could truly die happy.

Position wanted: for Emperor Palpatine

Thanks to Axzaril on our forums, we’re pleased to bring you this 2006 piece of comedy gold:

Admit it, you even laughed at the frying dog didn’t you!

Hitler and Darth Vader’s Views on the Pre-Order Segregation

SWTOR fan drivebypsychology has been on a roll over the weekend, cheering up the ‘red zone’ masses on the official SWTOR forums. He’s created two pieces of parody on the staggered release schedule for SWTOR.


Demotivational Darth Vader

Just a quick post with some broader Star Wars humour. I love me a good (de)motivational poster and they don’t get much better than this one:

With thanks to

Talking to your kids about Star Wars

The folks over at Asylum have created a brilliant video on the very sensitive topic of when to introduce the concept of Star Wars to your kids. There’s not a lot more to say although a highlight for me is the section on Jar Jar Binks and the Special Edition movies.

A big thanks to Darka on the forums for the link!

You’ve got to love Star Wars humour

One of the best things about any well established genre is the satire developed by its community. The best stuff comes when two iconic movies are mixed together.

Take last year’s Full Metal Star Wars – Gunnery Sgt Vader for example. If you’ve seen Full Metal Jacket, you’ll remember the character of Gunnery Sergeant Hartman. He makes an appearance in Star Wars, with great effect in the video below.

Enjoy, but a warning: this is in no way safe for work and contains very frequent explicit language: